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1653 East Main Street Rochaster, New York 14609

QL Edison. fapers


PART IV (1899-1910) Thomas E. Jeffrey Theresa M. Collins Lisa Gitelman Gregory Field Gregory Jankunis Aldo E. Salerno David W. Hutchings Karen A. Detig Leslie Fields Lorie Stock : . Editors : Robert Rosenberg

Director and Editor i

Sponsors Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission ! Smithsonian Institution |

University Publications of America Bethesda, MD 1999

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company

Thomas A. Edison Papers at Rutgers, The State University endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981

Copyright © 1999 by Rutgers, The State University ‘os

All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. :

ISBN 0-89093-703-6

Peotone eT ee ee SEE


Robert A. Rosenberg Director and Editor

Thomas E. Jeffrey Associate Director and Coeditor

Paul B. Israel Managing Editor, Book Edition

Helen Endick Assistant Director for Administration

Associate Editors Assistant Editors Theresa M. Collins Louis Carlat Lisa Gitelman Aldo E. Salerno Keith A. Nier Research Associates Secretary Gregory Jankunis Grace Kurkowski Lorie Stock

Student Assistants Amy Cohen Jessica Rosenberg Bethany Jankunis Stacey Saelg Laura Konrad Wojtek Szymkowiak Vishal Nayak Matthew Wosniak


Rutgers, The State University of New National Park Service

Jersey John Maounis Francis L. Lawrence Maryanne Gerbauckas Joseph J. Seneca Roger Durham Richard F, Foley George Tselos David M. Oshinsky Smithsonian Institution

New Jersey Historical Commission Bernard Finn Howard L. Green Arthur P. Molella EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD

James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology R. Frank Colson, University of Southampton Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University Susan Hockey, University of Alberta Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Peter Robinson, Oxford University Philip Scranton, Georgia Institute of Technology/Hagley Museum and Library Merritt Roe Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology



The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Charles Edison Fund

The Hyde and Watson Foundation National Trust for the Humanities Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation


National Science Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Historica] Publications and Records Commission


Alabama Power Comneny



Atlantic Electric

Association of Edison Iuminating Companies

Battelle Memorial Institute

The Boston Edison Foundation

Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc.

Carolina Power & Light Company

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Ine.

Consumers Power Company

Cooper Industries

Corning Incorporated

Duke Power Company

Entergy Corporation (Middle South Electric System)

Exxon Corporation

Florida Power & Light Company

General Electric Foundation

Gould Inc. Foundation

Gulf States Utilities Company

David and Nina Heitz

Hess Foundation, Inc.

Idaho Power Company

IMO Industries

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

- Midwest Resources, Ine.

Minnesota Power

New Jersey Bell

New York State Electric & Gas Corporation

North American Philips Corporation

Philadelphia Electric Company

Philips Lighting B.V.

Public Service Electric and Gas Company

RCA Corporation

Robert Bosch GmbH

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

San Diego Gas and Electric

Savannah Electric and Power Company

Schering-Plough Foundation

Texas Utilities Company

Thomas & Betts Corporation

Thomson Grand Public

Transamerica Delaval Inc.

Westinghouse Foundation

Wisconsin Public Service Corporation

A Note on the Sources

The pages which have been filmed are the best copies available. Every technical effort possible has been ‘made to ensure legibility.


Reel duplication of the whole or of any part of this film is prohibited. In lieu of transcripts, however, enlarged photocopies of selected items contained on these reels

may be made in order to facilitate research.

OR itis BARN eres Soe, tin bebo 8

Edison Ore Milling Syndicate, Ltd., and Related Companies Standard Construction Corporation, Ltd., Files Correspondence (1903)

This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the work of the Standard Construction Corp., Ltd. Most of the letters are to or from Edison and William Simpkin, chief engineer. Included are numerous drafts in Edison's hand. The documents deal mainly with the design and construction of the Dunderland works and operations at the Edison Portland Cement Co. in Stewartsville, New Jersey. Several documents pertain to briquetting, including reports by Simpkin and Professor Henry Louis. Also included are references to Edison's meetings with Simpkin in Florida. Some of the letters are accompanied by drawings.

More than 90 percent of the documents have been selected.

aes . Yourdlernd Conotiuclion Corporalion Limiled,


TELEGRAMS: STANCOLLI,LONDON. No: 17. January 2, 1903,

Qe ATS Hela

Mr. Hall is mailing you to-day a blue print showing


Dear Sir,

the many points in the Crushing Rolls which I think in your interests, and in tle interests of the Syndicate, ought to be protected in this country, as I see nothing in the Patents Specifications which have been handed to me by Capt. Pollen covering some of the specific parts shown on the print and des- cribed in the accompanying specification.

I have only carried this specification out in my ow words, leaving it to the Patent Attorney to. put it into proper form and leaving it to him also to put the claims in, ina proper manner.

If you think I have covered all of the points worth covering, please to cable us and the matter can go forward, but if you have any additions, alterations, or suggestions to make,

kindly let us have these at your convenience.

You will note that I have shown two ways to secure

? the plates to the Roll Centers, ~- one the manner which we are at x

present using, and another showing studs and nuts, not that I think the stud and nut is any better or perhaps not anything like @s good as the manner which we are now using, but it is simply put in to prevent others from using a similar device.

It is not quite certain we the exact day on which I shall leave here to pay my expected visit to you, so I will write | you later or cable woul with reference to this. Trusting you may have a very: happy and prosperous year, I am,

Yours most sincerely,

Ww Awww -


Lan devel Consbsuolion Coyporalion Limiled ALL LETTERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED :— ijalan Meuse undel Svect:



Dear Mr. Dick,

I have just received your cable saying that Mr. Edison leaves for Florida on the 20th February, for which I am greatly obliged. There are a great many things which I wish to become accomplished facts before I cross and as Mr. Edison will be in Orange up to the 20th of next month I shall delay sailing until the end of this month and this will enable me to complete what I have in hand and also enable me to bring with me a great many more drawings so that I can thoroughly discuss the whole of the layout with Mr. Edison.

I have just returned from Berlin where I have been taking up the matter of the Generators, ete. with Mr. Bergmann.

He has I think written either you or Mr. Edison that the gontract

for this work has been placed in his hands. I am sure that this 3 will be satisfactory news to both of you. This was not done | without a considerable fight as some of our friends here were i very anxious that the contract should be placed in this country [

and particularly one who is very much interested in the British

! pea a Wir hd Se a aN! ae a

Westinghouse - it is not necessary to mention names. However, knowing that you and Mr. Edison were desirous that this contract should go to Mr. Bergmann, if it could possibly be managed and his prices were such that it would not be detrimental in any way to our Company, I took it upon myself to urge this matter very strongly with the result as stated.

There is going to be a big fight over the magnets and when I come over I shall discuss this matter very thoroughly with Mr. Edison and probably have a few suggestions to make which I.think he will agree to. There is one thing in favour of placing the magnets with Mr. Bergmann ani that is it will at once enable us to comply with the German Patent Law by having the magnets manufactured in that country.

When I have decided the exact date on which fT shall ; leave here I will cable Mr. Edison so that you will know when to expect me. “Everything is going on very well and we are making

_ 00d progress,

Yours very truly,

WY Sumpicunr







ae Son bon Conotiuclion Corporalion Limuled

<I e WG.

January 20, 1903.


H. E. DIK, Esq.

My dear Mr. Dick,

I have your favour of the 8th-inst. and notice that you will be sailing on the 7th of February. I understand how- ever from Mr. Hall that the other day he received a cable from you in which you said you would arrive here on the 20th February , so from that I take it that you have changed your mind and that I shall see you, as I hope I shall, in Orange before you sail. What is keeping me is this, that I think it absolutely imperative to place the order for. the structural work of the buildings and conveyors before leaving here and take advantage of the now existing low prices. I have been watching the market very carefully all along and in every case so far have been able to come in and tuke advantage of prices and I am satisfied if I had not been able to do this we would have been obliged to pay much more for our work than the prices at which so far I have

been able to make contracts for the work which has already been

let out.


I am bringing with me details of everything which I have done so that you and Mr. Edison can go over it with me, and I am satisfied it will meet with the approval of the both of you, I shall leave here on the 3lst inst. or the 4th February and

will cable Mr. Edison the day I sail so that you will know when

to expect me. With best wishes, I am,

Yours very truly,

Sac lt,

4 Of Gy ; Gy nfs Sondra Chon dhitthion Lorforalion: Limeled; ae Yo G ALI LETTERS SHOULD BE ApoRESSEO-— Litpalane Mose; nrdel Heool:


January 23, 1903.

Dear Mr. Dick,

Replying to your favour of the 13th inst. would say that when I come over I shall have with me the whole of the specifications for all of the work which we have done up to the present, including of course the specifications and guarantees on the motors as I interid to discuss very fully the whole of this with Mr. Edison.

It looks now as if I shall be able to leave sometime between the 3lst and 4th but I cannot tell at this writing as they wish to have a special meeting before I go to give me some instructions of which at present I don't know the Blightest thing.

, Trusting I shall have the pleasure of seeing you in

Orange before you leave, I am,

Yours most sincerely,

WY pinavigltin

| H. E. DICK, Esq.


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No: 18. April 7, 1903.


Dear Sir, Since my arrival here last Tuesday I have been very . busy going over the work that had been accomplished ourene my absence. and am now taking up the revision of the drawings of the . Fine Grinding Rolls which we discussed when I was with you in Florida. | I find that without going to a big expense it is hardly possible to make these Rolls so that we can change at will, the number of sheave pulleys on the ends of the shaft. The Rolls as designed are intended for six ropes, as per your original instructions, and if we arrange these so that eight ropes can be used, you will readily see that it will necessitate | a@& new spreader as the centers of tie take off ropes on each side will be two pulleys wider and also the wield will be changed. With the Rolls at Stewartsville, supposing we have a Pressure of 50 lbs. per square inch in the cylinder, there will be with eight ropes a pressure of 14400 Lbs. on each end of =

itis ese QE Ss

shaft; with the 10 inch cylinder, such as we have designed for Dunderland, with 50 lbs. pressure, there will be with 6 ropes a pressure of 22b201bs. on each end of the shaft, so that we must either decide that the 6 ropes are enough or we must change to 8 ropes and keep it at that.

_ On the Rolls at Stewartsville we have 9/16" ropes with 56" pulleys, and on these for Dunderland we can put #" rope and have arranged for a 48" pulley.

I feel sure that the 6 ropes will be ample for all our

needs as we can readily increase the pressure in the air eylinder if necessary, and will not make any changes on this line

until I hear from you.

With reference to the enlarging of the blocks between the bottom and top girders, - would say that we had already given this matter a good deal of attention. From the rough

sketch herewith you will note that in the Stewartsville Rolls ti

distance between these supporting blocks ig 11 ft. 11¢ in. and | that the blocks are only 10" square - the top girder being secured with only one-bolt passing through .the center.

In making our aesign for the Dunderland Rolls, we have reduced the distance between the blocks to 9 ft. as you will also see on this sketch, and enlarged the ‘size of the blocks to 18" x 15" - being 2 crane in area on the top and bottom surfaces than those at Stewartsville. We have also arranged

that these blocks shall be Secured to the top and bottom girders.

with four separate bolts as well as the large center bolt; at the same time we have increased considerably the strength of the lower and upper girders and anticipate no pinching from the spring of these girders.

I think these blocks are amply large enough and strong enough for anything, and I do not want to increase them as it will interfere considerably with my design for carrying the spreader which carries the take off pulleys, and any change of design such as suggested, i.e. making the lower part of these blocks longer, will of necessity make a design for this spreader and brackets which to my mind will not be anything like as mechanical and satisfactory as the one we now have.

We have given considerable study to this matter and will shortly send you the full details and when you get them I think you will agree with me in all I have written.

On my return here I found that everything had been going along very nicely ,and about the early part of May I éxpect to be in Norway and commence work on the excavations, founda- tions, ete. for the various buildings.

Trusting you are well, I am,

Yours very truly,




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